Schneider EVLink: Wallbox & Smart Wallbox - Electric Vehicle Charger

EVlink Wallbox is the solution for charging electric vehicles at home and in company private car parks. These charging stations are designed to withstand several hours of daily use in all types of weather conditions.
It is ideal for family residential use and small parking spaces. Features a standard size, it is easy to use, and comes with a security key. Its installation is easy and its design is unique.
- Plug&Play system, you only have to connect the vehicle to the charging station.
- Charging can be easily stopped and restarted using the Stop and Start buttons.
- Charging power may be deliberately limited by the user.
- Nominal charging power: 3.7, 7.4 11 or 22.1 kW
- T2 outlet (with or without covers) or connected cable (with T1 or T2 connector)
EVlink Smart Wallbox is the best option for offices and public or private spaces that require more than one charger and want to monitor the system. It offers energy metering plus the connectivity needed to ensure user authentication, generate reports and billing, allocate costs to individual users, and perform remote maintenance.
It allows to monitor the charging point, consult its energy consumption and monetize it through a mobile APP to establish the rate of an end user. It also has RFD cards so that several users can utilize the same charging point.
All Electric Vehicle Charging Stations